Free: ***NEW*** 50 ct DVD/CD Paper Sleeves - Other DVDs & Movies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ***NEW*** 50 ct DVD/CD Paper Sleeves

***NEW*** 50 ct DVD/CD Paper Sleeves
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The listing, ***NEW*** 50 ct DVD/CD Paper Sleeves has ended.

Do you have lost or broken CD/DVD cases? Have a pile of CDs like I used to without coverings sitting around getting scratched? These will protect your valuable discs from scratches. Just burned CDs for your vehicle and don't want the bulk of a bunch of cases? Here ya go!! Burnt all your child(rens) pics on a CD and want to protect them for when they get old enough to use them as blackmail? Keep them safe in these! LOL!! There are 50 of them and 4 or 5 different colors to color coat!
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***NEW*** 50 ct DVD/CD Paper Sleeves is in the Movies & TV Shows | Other DVDs & Movies category