The listing, Coach handbag- previously owned has ended.
I am giving away a used authentic Coach handbag- I bought this recently on an online auction site, and it was smaller than I had expected. My loss could be your gain! :) I unhooked the strap, and it measures 17" long. The bag is 8" wide, 6: high and depth is about 2". There are some signs of wear on corners and some fading on the leather around the pocket flap. This is noticeable when you lift the pocket flap. No tears, stains, or damage however. Inside of bag is very clean. Brass fixtures, buckles, trims. Quality bag- feels heavy to the touch, with lots of wear left! Would make a great bag for going out or for a young girl's first real Coach bag!! It is the traditional khaki/brown C print with navy blue leather- that almost appears black in photos and if you aren't looking up close. I am happy to answer questions if you have them- thanks so much for looking!