I can't believe all these messages. I left in the last message, everything is Brand new. I am a business woman, fortunate enough to be able to do this. Again retails between $65-$125. Age range 18-80+ L can't where anyone would dissappointed @ all. Items range in box will be from different catagories. The items items listed are not Discontinued or unwanted. They are up to date & are valuable useful. Don't worry, I wouldn't let you down, that would be misleading & unfair. Good Luck, Good Stuff!
By no means produce, in season would mean anything that can be used from now thru summer. May even have year round product. Can promise everything is Brand new & appropriate for women ages18-80+..Hoped that helped. I'm geetting alot of messages on this 1. I wish I would have just listed exactly what is in it. I thought this woula be fun for a change as said retails between $65-$125. Good Luvk, Good Stuff!
That's what I aim for. Maybe a little backround would help. Like I said I am a Business woman, love Fundraising/participating/events. My reasons for this in the beginning I thought was a site for people that didn't have alot of wants because of different economic situations(not saying I don't have my own) now knowing it's more of a bidding site, that's fine too. I guess in short,I do have the opportunity to spare these things. Trust me, I know there are plenty of scammers out there. Its happened to me in the past. Truely I am a real live person not looking to harm anyone, just to hopefully bring a little joy/smile. I'm happy to hear you think this is awsome. Good Luck, Good Stuff!
Are you all just trying to figure out what it is? The box will depend because it will probably be sent priority. If it fits it ships. That will be cheaper to send that way. If not, bigger than a shoe box? can promise, as a real life business woman. Everything is brand new& should be appropriate for any woman between ages18-80. Hope that help's.