This is a reproduction of the original coin this was struck in brass and dose not stick to a magnet also this coin was struck around the time it was stamped so not totally fake.... Beautiful coin however I love it and will be watching and fanning.......
I'm a collector I got coins that date as far back as 2000 years and found coins that were counterfeited by pirates to fool people and they use medals like steel copper silver and brass,... I have a very rare and hard to find counterfeit doubloon that's worth alot of money......
Most fakes are never dated so your coin is not fake as far as age it's just known as a counterfeit cause it's not solid gold it's a semi rare counterfeit it's beautiful I love it and love to have it so let's see where the bids go
Is it real gold? You could always do like the old Pirates did and bite it to check it! lol Gold is a softer if your teeth marks's probably real! Watching! Michael