Tetragrammon is 4 letters and its in every book of the bible except one! I love this locket and it will go great with all my other religious medallions(sp?)
Would you please measure the item, length X width X thickness. Plus maybe how big the inside picture frames are, L X W. Thank you. If you want to know how the get verified, look down the left hand side of your page, to account settings, verify your account and saved shipping addresses a little above in previous section. At the bottom of any page you can click on Member Support go there choose a topic, leave them a message of what you need help with. I do not consider this a 'game'. This is a BUSINESS web site, not facebook or twitter. Tetragrammaton is the four Hebrew letters used to represent the name of GOD, (upside down u, i, upside down u, '). YHWH or JHVH, Yahweh or Jehovah.