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The listing, WOMEN'S HOMEMADE RING!!! has ended.
These are the popular bali bead and swarovski crystal elastic rings!!! i get so many compliments on these!!! each side has crystal beads with rondelle round crystals on each side of the ring!!! i make all kinds of jewelry and sell it but wanna give it as a gift!!! have a blessed day!!! natalie ")
Well you buy the crystal beads, spacers and the special elastic band and of course the main thing to use so the beads don't spill all over is my special kinda a glue that i use for them!!! ohhh and these don't turn your finger green n i've never had one of my rings brake cause i use alot of the glue!!! take care and thanks for the questions, babe!!! nat")
Ok this is to everyone that has been asking me about the birthstone ring colors that i can make, i just posted another ring for the the many questions on the colors!!! so please go the the last ring that i post and look at the chart!!! thanks and hope that it helps!!! ohhh and after this one i'm not gonna post another one until more of my auctions end!!! thanks again for the love!!! nat')
I started this at 35 credits cause with the exact last one i posted i did really great and the response was amazing!!! thanks to all that have viewed on here now and before!!! take care and blessings, nat")
I will be watching for your other auctions, thanks for letting me know. Yes we have snow here today and don't have to report to work today as had a blizzard last night, don't know if that affected you where you are at. This gives me a chance to check out other auctions and catch up on comments. God bless.
Sweet, this one is a good photo too! Try using a white background, no flash and a desk lamp with a full-spectrum or natural-daylight color bulb. Check out my bead auctions to see how that works ...
Hi there thanks for bidding on this!!! you can chose it to be your birthstone beads all around ring with the spacers. or your kids or your friends birthstones!!! i have a web site that i sell my jewelry and bows on and it has a birthstone chart that let's you know your birthstone bead, if you want me to customize it for you!!! thanks, nat")