I'm sorry, i wish i could honestly!! I bid myself on things with free shipping.. But at the time i can't afford to. Hope you understand!! I did put the shipping as low as i could and trying not to over chagre anyone!!!! Thank you :o)
Attention*** Just adding a new note to all my auction's thank you! :o) Thank you for looking at my auction! *** Check out my other auction's and combine the shipping *** Payment methods I gladly accecpt : Money order - Postal money order - Check - Cash and Stamps! Payment to be made in a *decent* amount of time. ***If not i will re-list and keep the credits*** I am very paitent, but some do take advantage. *** Please when you do send payment - Make note of what your winning auction was... So i know who's money i have infront of me *** ~*~*~ Thank you~ :o) ~*~*~