Free: Papaver Somniferium(dutch blue)& Persian White, Generous portions in seed baggie :) Free Ship - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Papaver Somniferium(dutch blue)& Persian White, Generous portions in seed baggie :) Free Ship

Papaver Somniferium(dutch blue)& Persian White, Generous portions in seed baggie :)  Free Ship
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The listing, Papaver Somniferium(dutch blue)& Persian White, Generous portions in seed baggie :) Free Ship has ended.

Somniferium Papaver (Poppy) Seeds, Fast growers. Recommend for outdoor planting as they do not transplant well.

I want to point out that these are the "dutch blue" variety, and colors of petal range from light pinks, lavenders, to whites, with some pale colors... some with frayed edges, and sometimes I have had the gigantic's with multiple pods grow in the mix. However, these are not the Himalayan blue variety, which is sometimes confused with the "dutch blue" because the name is due to the color of the seed, rather than the color of the flower.

The Himalayan blues, are a blue flower, but are hard to grow for most people, and the pods are much smaller with yellow centers.

These poppys like cool weather temps as do most of the somniferium variety. In other words, they probably would not germinate yet in hot summery areas, such as desert environments. The fall is best time for planting in zone 8 and up.

Free shipping in US. Tracking can be provided at your request for 1.05 to Paypal. Just let me know at auction end if you would like it put on.

Gin can also be requested, and will come with additional seeds, of same type or other. 4 bags total. Make offer.

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Papaver Somniferium(dutch blue)& Persian White, Generous portions in seed baggie :) Free Ship is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category