Thank you! More to come,some 60s also & much more,I have a store on Ebay & found this,never knew it existed,it's seems pretty cool so far,new so trying to get points,& already have people complaining cause I'm not free shipping everything,costs too much to do all free ship,& Postal prices are to increase again never ends! Sorry,didn't mean to unload,thank you have a great evening & fan back at U!
Cool,yes I'm getting ready to go to Steelers Camp in Latrobe next week to get more Autographs,it's so neat to shake their hands & talk to them face to face,still trying to get Big Ben's auto on his college jersey I have,you should see my collection,been collecting for 50 years! well I will close as you don't want to hear about the Steelers-lol
Wow the camp sounds great, my oldest went to the Culinary Institute, became a chef, got her Masters degree and is the Controller for Philly Soul..btw i like talking you didnt dump on
That's great,I wouldn't dump on anyone unless they were being Rude! What are you looking for in Philly items I'll check my inventory,maybe I have & can list,thank you for talking to me,there are some nice people on here,& yes Latrobe is cool it doesn't cost anything,.not guaranteed auto's but they are easy to obtain when you been going as many years as as I have
What better price than free??? lol...well you're talking fb and I'm not sure but i will let you know..actually I'm looking for Lennon and the fab four items also Ozzy..i saw the beatles in 1966@JFK stadium in philly..i was 13 but wow what a memory
I have pretty much anything you can think of,FB,BB,Hoc,Comic,TV shows Movies,some autos besides the Steelers(which of coarse I don't sell them)I will list a cool Beatles card lot tonight & some time this week,I will list a Fab 4 Reprint I will not sell the Original,& yes they are great I still follow Sir paul & Ringo on Facebook
Give me time to take pics & post & I'll get them listed,would you like me to list a large lot-20 or something smaller? Large lot I will have to charge $2.00 ship fee which only covers part as the price went up at PO it costs-3oz-$2.32-$2.50,4oz-$2.52-$2.68 & so on,PayPal & Ebay give discounts but PO is more of coarse like they don't get enough-lol