If I didn't already have it I would totally spend everything I had to get it.
I have all the seasons and this show was very well written. The story line was sooo different then any on at the time or even since.
The soundtrack was AMAZING! PJ Harvey "oh yeahhhh!"
I watch any and all tv show that has any of the actors in like...
Nate (P Krause) is in PARENTHOOD David (M.C. Hall) DEXTER Ruth (F Conroy) American Horror Story "oh my!" Rico (F Rodriguez) Ugly Betty Billy the psychO brother (J Sisto) L&O and Suburgtory
I could go on and on but I know you probably want me to stop.
Thank you for the offer, but it is a little lower then I was hoping. Also, if you want to suggest another GIN, please email me rather then use the comments. Thanks! And thank you for watching.