The listing, Comic books, 7 vintage, Marvel - FREE! has ended.
Seven collectible Marvel comic books, all front & back covers intact, no torn or missing pages:
- The Avengers, Night of the Beast - #178 Dec1978
- The Avengers, On the Matter of Heroes - #181 Mar 1979
- The Invaders, Havoc on the Home Front - #35 Dec 1978
- The Eternals, The Pyramid - #19 Jan 1978
- Two-In-One, The Thing and The Yancy Street Gang, Happy Death, Mr. Grimm! - #47 Jan 1978
- Two-In-One, The Thing and Captain Marvel, The Andromeda Rub-Out! - #45 Nov 1978
- Two-In-One, The Thing Battles The Thing, Remembrance of Things Past!, Big 50th Issue - #50 Apr 1979
All books in readable condition.
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