no I was letting you know it can be played on classic DS I own both a DS lite and classic version I can verify that I use my classic to play GBA pokemon games and that's the one I let my nephews and nieces play with when they are here visiting lol
ive been a member for over 4 years now and you can get ALOT of good stuff off here, and don't wory my info will only cost you a pokemon DS game LMAO jk
I will say this if you verify your account via phone or credit card, you will get like twice or 3 times as many bidders too also always take pics of your items with a piece of paper in the same pic with your listia name written on it, that will stop MOST of the haters from calling your auctions fake and such
All girls no pokeman games :) I did just verified my # and will do paypal in a bit...I was wondering why I see people with a Listia picture in some pictures...and GIN what is that? I wouldn't even of thought of someone having fake auctions...I will learn to check someone out b4 bidding....thank you for your help :)
You can win listia stickers on here. Listia does thier own auctions as well. And yes you come across people on here that scam try to keep credits and lie that they sent it out so always good to pay the 90 cent on tracking for you as well as your winner. GIN means get it now you will be able to do once you get your trusted seller wings hope this all helps