The listing, Tony Larussa Baseball Cd for computer has ended.
Tony Larussa Baseball. Disc only with case no instructions. You can ghet instHow to get Tony Larussa 96' to work w/ Dosbox & XP
I found this on another site & tried it & it works
Seems with the default settings for DosBox and the Tony96 batch file settings, the DOS4GVM memory manager causes problems and the game crashes.
Here are the DosBox 0.74 config file changes that I made:
mount c c:\DOSGAMES
mount d c:\DOSGAMES\CDROM -t cdrom
cd \tony96
I installed the game in the \Tony96 folder. Notice that I don't play the game from the cd-rom, but rather from the harddrive. This simply required copying the contents of the entire cd-rom into the DOSGAMES\CDROM folder, and issuing the above mount command in the config file.
Here is the what I now have for the contents of go.bat and tony96.bat (they are identical) that come with the game:
echo off
if exist *.swp del *.swp
if exist first.tmp del first.tmp
if exist last.tmp del last.tmp
if exist tlrb35.cfg goto frontend
echo Tony La Russa Baseball 3, 1996 Edition ver 1.01
call checkcd.bat
checkmem %1
if errorlevel 1 goto end2
rem set DOS4GVM=SWAPINC#1024
main %1
if errorlevel 8 goto end
if errorlevel 6 goto draft
if errorlevel 3 goto bb
goto end
rem set DOS4GVM=SWAPINC#1024
draft %1
if errorlevel 8 goto end
if errorlevel 1 goto main
goto end
Sticking Tongue Outb
bb %1
if errorlevel 8 goto end
if errorlevel 1 goto main
goto end
rem set DOS4GVM=
mode co80
Make sure you also copy/overwrite these bat files to the CDROM folder too, because I suspect they are sometimes run from there when the game spawns between main.exe and bb.exe, although I'm really not sure.