The listing, Webster's Dictionary for Students, Special Encyclopedic Edition, New Edition has ended.
Amazon's description of this book: This dictionary has been developed especially for students in grades two through six. It contains all the elements of Webster's Dictionary for Students plus a special encyclopedic section jam-packed with useful and fascinating information about our country and our world. The dictionary and the encyclopedic section have been fully updated. Features of this Book -More than 32,000 words and phrases written in clear, concise kid- -Words and definitions that reflect the vocabulary level, curriculum requirements, and personal interests of children from the second to sixth grades. - A special section on Confused, Misused, and Misspelled Words gives students quick tips to correct common special errors -The special encyclopedic section is filled with critical information students need including: World Maps; Countries of the World; States of the U.S.; Declaration of Independence; Branches of Government; Laws and How They Are Made; Presidents of the U.S.; Important Events in American History Weights and Measures