See, this is why this crap doesn't belong on Listia. It attracts the nasty pervs. There are tons of other website's dedicated to this crap, go there. Jeez.
You are no one to decide what belings and what doesnt on Listia. It clearly says no nudes like the moderators tell you. Read the rules! There are websites dedicated to othet things but not like this! Please mind your business and worry about your own auctions and things YOU bid on. Bye ;)
It is my business because I like Listia and don't want it turned into a dirty old man perv fest by girls like you. If you want to sell yourself, rock on, but there are plenty of other sites dedicated to that kind of thing. It would just be nice to keep Listia perv free. Have a nice day. :)
No its not your buisness! Keep flagging im not doinv anything illegal. If i wanted to sell my self then yeah i would go there. Ivknow what im doing. And fyi there are going to be pervs everywere. Atleast be happy they are nt bothering you. As much as yoy claim you love listia its still NOT your business. Bye!!
Very Nice-love the tattoos! Here's a sexy pic auction that I'm doing, from a mans perspective!