Nice piece! If you can get a shot of the whole thing laid out I can probably tell you what all the gemstones are! Looks like citrine, peridot,and garnet as far as I can see so far ;)
Ill do that when I get home from work later thank you so much. Im new to this and dont realize all the info i really need to look into before posting sorry bare with me ladies ill get better :).
You're getting it "Sista" did pretty good for your first "genuine" piece of jewelry. Took a close up of the stamp on the clasp and the stones. If were you, I would take a picture of it on your wrist and one of the other end of the clasp. Are there any other markings on the bracelet other than the one in the picture?
I LOVE THIS!!! I would so much love to know the length of the bracelet......I want it a lot but if too long then won't work for me! Photos are GREAT!!! WELCOME to LISTIA!!! :)