Free: Lot 1614 for 1 Large Clear-Backed Snow White Disney Princess Sticker - Stickers - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Lot 1614 for 1 Large Clear-Backed Snow White Disney Princess Sticker

Lot 1614 for 1 Large Clear-Backed Snow White Disney Princess Sticker
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The listing, Lot 1614 for 1 Large Clear-Backed Snow White Disney Princess Sticker has ended.

This is for 1 Large Clear-Backed Snow White Disney Princess Sticker. Lovely Disney art and Disney's First Princess!

@@@@@@@@ PLEASE NOTE @@@@@@@@
In an effort TO KEEP MY SHIPPING FREE FOR EVERYONE, make sure folks have plenty of time to earn or buy points, shop all my auctions, and request items to be listed, I will be changing my mailing habits. My auctions will be mailed the first week of each month on a date specified in each auction.This will be mailed on September 2, 2014 or before if I can, but no promises. If you can't wait this long for your item(s) to be mailed, please do not bid.*shudder* Winners who let me know they are still shopping and subsequently win at least one more auction of mine will be rewarded with at least one SURPRISE "extra" similar in nature. :o)

Thank you for shopping at my auctions.
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Lot 1614 for 1 Large Clear-Backed Snow White Disney Princess Sticker is in the Crafts | Stickers category