The listing, 135 Old & Newer Foreign GIN 5,000 has ended.
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SEATTLE SUE in the search bar!
GET IT NOW for just 5,000 credits before someone else does!
This group of 135 foreign used stamps are a mix between very old and newer more colorful!
1881 Cuba WOW!
Austria austrian empire Turkey, Mexico leader, Un Millieme Egypt, musical french horn Pr Romania, India, Hungary 'harvesting' labor workers in the field, Finland, swode Eire Ireland, 1920 "Queen Wilhelmina" Netherlands,
Canada, Brazil, Denmark, Suriname (Suriname left the Kingdom of the Netherlands to become independent.)
Angels playing mandolin like stringed instrument, cartooon man cutting down tree with tiger Mongolia, Monkey, vehicle, huge variety!
All my auctions start (and end) between 7:00 and 7:30 PM, west coast time. Only SOME of my auctions are available to Canada and UK bidders, so please look before bidding. Check back often at this link:
Thank you, Seattle Sue