Free: GPX C3072 AM/FM Cassette Portable Personal Stereo Player NIP - Music Players & Accessories - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: GPX C3072 AM/FM Cassette Portable Personal Stereo Player NIP

GPX C3072 AM/FM Cassette Portable Personal Stereo Player NIP
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The listing, GPX C3072 AM/FM Cassette Portable Personal Stereo Player NIP has ended.

GPX C3072 AM/FM Cassette Portable Personal Stereo Player, Brand New in the package! Belt clip, headphones included. Requires 2 "AA" batteries, not included.
Questions & Comments
Since there have not been any bidders yet, would you be willing to do a GIN of 3000 credits?
Aug 9th, 2014 at 4:54:56 PM PDT by
Sorry, dont have my seller wings yet
Aug 9th, 2014 at 5:31:28 PM PDT by
That's ok. I can wait. F&W
Aug 9th, 2014 at 11:06:39 PM PDT by

GPX C3072 AM/FM Cassette Portable Personal Stereo Player NIP is in the Electronics | Music Players & Accessories category