yeah , heck i logged on and didnt even notice until my grandson told me, and then quickly asked if he could have it for Christmas, lol... ( hes getting the nexus 7) maybe an ipad later, he is only 8
well I'm just glad to see a good contributor to the site win one of the big raffles. I know it's fair game for all who enter, but I'd rather see someone who is active and contributes to give away items on the site win a raffle...I feel they deserve it more than someone who is new and/or inactive on the I have seen many times before win big raffles. It's all in probability I guess, as I don't believe in luck lol. At least they're being unbiased and fair with the raffles. Makes it more fun and genuine I suppose. I know what you mean with the iPad being too much for such a young kid, I definitely agree as I have an almost 7 year old little brother who I shop for gifts for. Whichever you choose to get him, my recommendation is to stay away from stuff like the Nabi & other tablets marketed as "for kids". They run fine at first, but with the slightest bit of usage & only after installing a half dozen apps, the Nabi 2 my younger brother used to have slowed down big time & even stopped charging at one point. Their customer service is great, but I wish I had paid attention to the specs before purchasing because tablets like Samsungs Galaxy line and the Nexus have way more powerful/capable tablets for the same price as that hyped up generic crap that companies like Nabi sells. Just my experience.