The listing, NIGHT GARDEN WHITE 4 O'CLOCKS SCENTED! has ended.
Perfect for the night garden the white 4 o'clocks are delicately scented and almost seem to glow in the dark! Experts will tell you that the best choice for an evening entertainment area is white flowers. White flowers appear to glow as the petals pick up what little light that is available giving them luminescence. With these, and as is white most white flowers, you get a heavenly scent that will make your evening outdoor area even more beautiful. White 4 o'clocks are the only color that is scented. I've had all of the colors available and none have had scent but the white, making it my favorite! The flowers are trumpet shaped and are about 1 inch across. That sounds small, but when you have hundreds of blooms it can be impressive. The blooms open late in the afternoon, not necessarily at 4 o'clock, but when the hot sun is no longer bearing down on them. When it gets a bit darker you can start to smell them and the scent intensifies the later it gets. These get about 2 feet tall and can be a tender perennial in some areas (I'm in 7b). These have been growing in my yard for over twenty years and they come back year after year from the same roots. The roots resemble parsnips or white carrots...but beware all parts of this plant are poison! Also called Mirabilis jalapa or Night Blooming Beauty.