The listing, SiLVeRToNe BuTTeRFLY CHaRM BRaCeLeT W/ SuRPRiSe JeWeLRY BoNuS has ended.
This auction is for a gorgeous butterfly charm bracelet. I don't wear it at all anymore so I'm hoping someone will want it even if the winning bid is only 1 credit or 100. :D
The winner of the auction has three days after the auction has ended to e-mail me their info. If the winner does not do so within those three days, I will keep the items and credits as well. I do free shipping but only in the US. No international shipping! Sorry! Happy bidding to all Listians!! :D
For the bonus, I will be throwing in another piece of jewelry. If there is any requests from the winner of the auction for what type of jewelry (necklace, bracelet, etc), just write to me and let me know!!! :D
Who knows, I might add in more than one piece of jewelry (depending on how much the bids go up)!! Only the winner at the end will know!!