It was probably a pokemon game..they go crazy high no matter what system its for. I remember playing this game on the super was sooo much fun!!
Yeah, actually I have a pokemon game so I might list it now. lol
I played this on super nintendo when I was 5. :) I have a super nintendo now, but I don't really have too many games for it. I tried to get a couple on here, but I didn't have enough credits. lol
We have three or four pokemons here, but the kids won't let me list them lol. I hadn't noticed how high the super nintendo games went for omg I wouldn't have guessed that they were fought over lol. I am working on listing, wanna make sure I have plenty of credits for when this goes off!!
Yeah, I couldn't believe they went so high either! I don't think I'll ever have enough credits to bid on one of them! I'm pretty picky about what games I like to play, though. lol
I tried they won't budge :) lol I'm a bit picky too..I always check with gamestop online to see game informer and user ratings for the game, I love that they include screen shots and videos for a lot of the games too!
I usually look for trailers on youtube, or play games at my cousins house. He buys and rents a ton of games, so he usually has a good selection. I'll be checking out games on gamestop from now on, though. :D