The listing, Swarovski-Fuchsia Color Earrings has ended.
Attn: please read this before leaving a comment or bidding:
if you have an inappropriate picture on your profile or anything related to that
please do not leave a commment or even bid. i repeat do not leave a comment or even bid.
you will be reported and flagged. we are a christian family and do not believe in negative things
like that. also it is in the rules of having an account that you may not have any inappropriate images
on your profile or sellings.
{ this is very pretty and dangles. its fashionable and looks great with pink and purple or whichever color you may think. the type of stone is swarovski fuchsia color. very pretty. }
please read the auction before you bid.
please send address at the end of the auction.
no international shipping
if you do not have a listia verified address i will not ship.
i will not ship to anyone other than the winner of the auction.
| free shipping... |||""|"""|__,_
|_in the u.s.a.!!!_|||__|__|___|)
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