Wow those two must be really young and confused! One of them messaged me and offered me less credits than what the bid for the head phones is now if I won!! I mean come least offer more than what they are listed! Great auction, fanned and bidding! I hope I win these!!
if you bid ten thousand credits it will only be 101 bids that shows up only if some one else bids will it go higher . i know its con fusing id like you to have this. but thats how it works im already getting a low bid by lowering days. its going to cost me way more than ill get in creds.
ilowered it no one bid even if you bid that much.if no one else bids that high. it wont count.if i put get it now it charges an arm n leg tryin to help. yall
gotta give em credit mine r big but theres are ginourmas . how ya doin bro. did yer gift work. good luck. just young n dumb thats why , my daughter doesnt leave the house. shes almost 20. thnx for changn pic mucho bettero . happy fathers day if ya r happy day if not d.