The listing, Lot of 17 Vintage AVON Mens After Shave Decanter Bottles - Winner chooses 1-17 w GIN has ended.
Vintage AVON Mens After Shave Decanter Bottles
Here is how the auction works on how many bottles you choose:
499-4,000 - Choose 1 Bottle
4,001-8,000 - Choose 2 Bottles
8,001-12,000 - Choose 3 Bottles
12,001-15,000 - Choose 4 Bottles
15,001-18,000 - Choose 5 Bottles
18,001-21,000 - Choose 6 Bottles
21,001-23,500 - Choose 7 Bottles
23,501-26,000 - Choose 8 Bottles
26,001-28,500 - Choose 9 Bottles
28,501-31,000 - Choose 10 Bottles
31,001-33,500 - Choose 11 Bottles
33,501-36,000 - Choose 12 Bottles
36,001-38,000 - Choose 13 Bottles
38,001-40,000 - Choose 14 Bottles
40,001-42,000 - Choose 15 Bottles
42,001-44,000 - Choose 16 Bottles
44,001+ - Get all 17 Bottles or use GIN
Message me for the one you want after you win!!
The following are available:
- Deep Woods Truck Empty - 5 Fl oz (1sr row, 1st one)
- Wild Country Boat Empty - 5 FL oz (1st row, 2nd to the right)
- Wild County Car Empty - 4 Fl oz (1st row, 3rd to the right) - Some chips in paint
- Silver Duesenbery Oland Full - 6 Fl oz (2nd row, 1st car) - Some chips in paint
- Solid Gold Cadillac Avon Leather Empty - 6 Fl oz (2nd row, 2nd to the right) - Some chips in paint
- Cord '37 Tai Winds Empty - 7 Fl oz (2nd row, 3rd to the right)
- Rolls Royce Deep Woods Empty - 6 FL oz (2nd row, 4th to the right) - Some chips in paint
- Maxwell '23 Deep Woods Empty - 6 Fl oz (2nd row, 5th to the right)
- Wild Country Car Empty - 6 FL oz (2nd row, 6th to the right)
- Touring T Excaliber Empty - 6 Fl oz (2nd row, 7th to the right)
- Horse Empty - not sure of FL oz (3rd row, 1st bottle)
- Hand Empty - not sure of FL oz (3rd row, 3rd to the right)
- The capital building Empty - not sure of FL oz (3rd row, 3rd to the right)
- Statue Pot Empty - not sure of FL oz (3rd row, 4th to the right)
- 2 (you can buy 1 or both) Tai Winds Man with a beard - 3 Fl oz (3rd row, 5th & 6th to the right)
- Large Horse Empty - not sure of FL oz (3rd row, 7th bottle)
Item will be shipped if not local.