The listing, 50 Glow in the dark cabochon Roses! See pics! has ended.
This listing is for 60, YES SIXTY, of my hand poured resin, glow in the dark, rose, flat back, cabochons, There are several different sizes from 1/3 inch to 3/4 inch!!! I make ALL of these with my own glow in the dark, non-toxic recipe (I guess paying attention in chemistry class actually came in handy!!!)
The glow colors are green, aqua, orange, purple, yellow-orange, light blue,pink and blue. They are perfect for jewelry (earrings, necklaces, rings, put it n a glue on bail and make a charm...) and they are amazing in scrap booking - scrapbooking and card making!!!! Even adorning hair clips, pony holders... so many uses!!!!
These have never been used, embellished or adorned on anything & have recently been hand poured by me... so they are NEW for you!!!!! These are ever weather/environment proof... I put these on a lot of my items in my outdoor faery - fairy - faerie garden outside & they can take any whether that mother nature wants to throw at them! And the charge daily & glow nightly!!!
Unlike glow sticks, my recipe for glow in the dark powder will last and last and last... charge them over & over & over again!!! They just keep glowing. I have had some out in my yard on one of my faerie houses for three years & to this day... they still glow as brightly as they did three years ago!!! The picture where they are glowing is from a 30 second charge under my puny desk lamp! They charge the brightest & last the longest when charged in direct sunlight!!!!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via the comment section below! Thank you for looking & happy bidding!!!!
I ship within one week after the listing ends & the address has been verified.
Be sure to check out my other listings as you never know what will pop up next!