The listing, GOODNESS GRACIOUS AT THE BEADS!!!! has ended.
This is a short 3 day auction for all these beads.As you can see there are more bling beads than plain beads Also different sizes.There are no seed beads in this lot.You have dolphin charms,peace sign charms,heart charms that all need bails and bracelets to fulfill their purpose of being in this auction.You also have a few butterfly charms with bails.Another bag has Tibetan Silver charms that have storks,baby bottle,church,and hearts with Flower Girl written on it and a couple of other ones.Beads you have a small amount of different size and color beads in one bag.A smaller bag with blue,red,and black beads and a few silver spacers.And then you have a bag full of skeleton beads.There are two different sizes of these in the bag.Then you will find three bags of everyday spacers,,a bag with just a few copper/bronze charms,and five bags of bling spacers.I think they are called rondell spacers.Most of these are clear but there are two bags that are color crystals.Ah.color is for the winner to find out.And there is one bag that has three blank pins in them to make your own colors.