this is an amazing game as well as the second one... i play for 8+ hours a day and then some... There is no end to the game in site I think it currently has almost 5 million levels combined between both games but lbp 2 u can access the first game. whomever wins u should really look into getting the second on and it is an awesome game to play online ull never want to play another game and i am 27 years old and love this game,,,, have fun to whoever wins
Wanted to note I just got this game this past month with the Welcome Back Gift Package Sony Offered and it is a fun little game tho usually not the type I play. If you missed out on the Welcome Back Package Don't sleep this Auction. You will have yourself a nice little game that you, your kids and your anyone in your house will most likely love
thats one of the shipping terms that the post office uses such as priority mail or parcel post. Next to first class it is the second cheapest way to send books cds dvds ect
3.00 to ship is still a great deal considering the seller is taking the time to package and go to the post office (gas prices are insane). I don't mind paying an extra dollar or two for a free item someone is nice enough to give away
game informer said by the time the sequel came out, If you only played each user-created lever for 5 (seconds or minutes... i forget... I'm pretty sure it was seconds), it would take over 80 years to play...