Free: Tweezerman Tweezers in a Bubble Mirrored Compact W/Suction Cups on the back OF MIRORR!!!!!!!BNWT! - Healthcare Goods - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Tweezerman Tweezers in a Bubble Mirrored Compact W/Suction Cups on the back OF MIRORR!!!!!!!BNWT!

Tweezerman Tweezers in a Bubble Mirrored Compact W/Suction Cups on the back OF MIRORR!!!!!!!BNWT!
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The listing, Tweezerman Tweezers in a Bubble Mirrored Compact W/Suction Cups on the back OF MIRORR!!!!!!!BNWT! has ended.

tweezerman tweezers (green n white) complete w/ bubble mirror case w /suction cups on the back of the magnifier mirror so u can tweeze any where!!!!!!
$15 retail value!!!! 4 free;]
as always free shipping!!!!!!!!!!!
happy bidding to all!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 DAYS ONLY,SO BID,BID,BID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S...........MY NEICE HAS 2 NEW AUCTIONS UP~ she is new to listia so check her out she needs some fanns~shes 1 of my fans so heres her user name~emilee3
her auctions r called;


>Thanks so much for all my fan support you're all the best fans ever!

Questions & Comments
are they bramd
Jun 22nd, 2011 at 4:21:13 AM PDT by
do u mean r they brand new?? yes they r;] in the title line it says............bnwt
Jun 22nd, 2011 at 1:36:47 PM PDT by
there there best around!! n ya they r expensive!! good luck:} ur faned bk;]
Jun 25th, 2011 at 2:15:24 PM PDT by
wait,i already ur fan;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Jun 25th, 2011 at 2:16:03 PM PDT by

Tweezerman Tweezers in a Bubble Mirrored Compact W/Suction Cups on the back OF MIRORR!!!!!!!BNWT! is in the Health & Beauty | Healthcare Goods category