Free: Wiccan/pagan spell/meditation herbal candle - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Wiccan/pagan spell/meditation herbal candle

Wiccan/pagan spell/meditation herbal candle
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The listing, Wiccan/pagan spell/meditation herbal candle has ended.

You choice if spell candle, I'll make it on the spot for you. These candles are lightly hollowed out and have herbs inside and sprinkled on top.
I did not buy them like this,I make regular candles into these. Great for aromatherapy as well.
Bids under 2500 get a tealight. Over 2500 get a votive. I currently don't do pillars but possibly in the future, so please don't ask.
These all include the foil bottoms due to herbs burning at end. Always keep An eye on any candles when burning. These are not everyday candles. Sorrel candles include:

Elemental candles (earth, air, fire and water)
Planetary candles (Sun, moon, mercury, Venus, mars, Jupiter)
To maintain chastity
To aid in divination
To attain/maintain employment
To increase fertility
To help with fidelity
Halt gossip
Promote happiness
Promote healing
Maintaining health
Breaking hexes
To attain longevity
To attract love
To aid in divination of love
To obtain luck
To obtain money/riches/wealth
To aid in peace/harmony
Aid in power raising
To aid in prophetic dreams
To obtain prosperity
To strengthen psychic powers
Aid in calling rain
To strengthen spirituality
To attain success
To prevent theft
To induce or aid in visions
To promote wisdom
To manifest wishes
Aid in maintaining youth
Gender (male and female)
Or I can create a custom one to your situation.

**Mixing intents in spell candles is dangerous,I refuse to do it.
*mixing aromatherapy scents can create gross scents that don't promote what they are supposed to, so please pick only one.
I can do aromatherapy ones for:
Concentration/focus,To improve mood,Warming/comforting, Relaxation,Energy,To soothe mild headaches,Improve sleep
* listia rules apply.verified addresses only. 18 and up only. I will not accept addresses through messages.
** note: please inform me of allergies,includes spices, nuts, bark, plants, dehydrated food products.**
Questions & Comments
Keep in mind these won't status work, if the universe doesn't think it's time then it's not time, you can't force things along.
Sep 18th, 2014 at 11:04:26 AM PDT by
Also keep in mind these take a few days to make.
Sep 18th, 2014 at 11:13:07 AM PDT by
If nobody has bid and you'd like a more reasonable gin, message me and maybe we can work out a deal
Sep 18th, 2014 at 7:11:01 PM PDT by
GIN gets two of their choice votive or tealight or one of each.
Sep 19th, 2014 at 11:01:56 AM PDT by
Reminder 18 and older ONLY. :) also prewar don't bid if you don't have much knowledge on magick safety. It can be dangerous when attempted by unknowing people
Sep 20th, 2014 at 1:00:01 PM PDT by
can you make a spirit candle
Sep 29th, 2014 at 8:23:09 AM PDT by
I only do what's specified up in the list
Sep 29th, 2014 at 10:02:00 AM PDT by
Changing the credits as under 2000 gets tealight and over 2000 gets votive :)
Sep 29th, 2014 at 3:52:17 PM PDT by
Gin will receive not just the two but I'm going to throw in a sachet that you get to pick intent of as well, same intents available as listed above
Oct 1st, 2014 at 2:01:07 PM PDT by

Wiccan/pagan spell/meditation herbal candle is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category