Free: $5 Amazon Gift Card - Gift Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: $5 Amazon Gift Card

$5 Amazon Gift Card
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The listing, $5 Amazon Gift Card has ended.

Hello and thank you so much for stopping by! Up for your consideration today is an gift card worth $5!

Amazon is great, you can buy pretty much anything like clothes, toys, books, games, diapers and more!!

Of course I will ship free, and I will send to anyone worldwide, but it is your responsibility to know if you will be able to use this gift card where you live. Thank you!

Any questions, please ask!!
Questions & Comments
Hello! Just wondering... I have to know... Is the baby in your profile pic a reborn? Super Cute!!
Jun 28th, 2011 at 7:45:39 PM PDT by
Yes she is, good call! She was made by a friend by mine, she always sends out my handmade creations with her beautiful dolls so I try to help advertise for her. Unfortunately she has taken a break from reborn but she does a great job!
Jun 29th, 2011 at 4:51:27 AM PDT by
She is adorable! I really want to give that a try sometime. I love painting tiny details and characteristics onto ceramics, I wonder if it's the same?
Never-the-less, Beautiful Baby!!!
Jun 29th, 2011 at 10:37:00 AM PDT by
Maybe! If you decide to start making them, definitely let me know! I am absolutely amazed by them and want one of my own someday. This lady did make one for my daughter, she is the size of a preemie and looks SO real, but I want a newborn sized one someday and am not sure if she is going to start making them again. I think if you can get the painting mastered, the rest (besides rooting the hair) shouldn't be too bad. :-) Good luck!!
Jul 3rd, 2011 at 9:56:41 AM PDT by
Can you send the CODE for the Amazon card?
Jul 2nd, 2011 at 12:37:01 PM PDT by
This will be sent to your email directly from Amazon. Not a code, but an actual e-card. Thank you!!
Jul 3rd, 2011 at 9:57:12 AM PDT by

$5 Amazon Gift Card is in the Other Stuff | Gift Cards category