The listing, Etienne Aigner Black Leather handbag has ended.
found this at a yard sale. It was missing the Zipper Pull so I added the flower pull. It has a few scuffs that can be gotten out with a leather treatment. The liner is in fair condition and has a small hold in one of the pockets. Overall it is a nice purse and a very well know brand.
A little history of the maker can be found on google.
a few things on the site are here:
Hallmarks of the Brand
The first bags Etienne ever made were while he was working in a bookbinding shop where he was taught to make bags by his foreman using a flat machine.
Etienne took castings and inspiration from found objects in his everyday life. Most of our hardware details are taken from the archives. Metal keepers, tiny turn locks and horseshoe buckles are just some of his signatures we call ours today.
Introducing Etienne Aigner
Making your own luck is the story of one man that inspired the birth of one brand. Etienne Aigner. An international man of optimism. A resourceful spirit with the uncanny ability to take burlap and turn it into an object of desire.