Free: MTG: Feral Hydra from Shards of Alara - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG: Feral Hydra from Shards of Alara

MTG: Feral Hydra from Shards of Alara
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The listing, MTG: Feral Hydra from Shards of Alara has ended.

(1) Feral Hydra from Shards of Alara!

☆ Magic The Gathering ☆
---> PLEASE READ <---

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I encourage that you ask questions if you have any regarding this item.

If you happen to have a GIN in mind and no bids have been placed, feel free to message me with an offer.

Free shipping to the US ONLY.

To verified addresses ONLY.

Same or next day shipping depending on when I receive the destination mailing address.

I will notify you after the item has been mailed.

I love and appreciate each and every fan I have. You guys are the absolute best!

As always,
Thanks so much!
Good luck and happy bidding, MTG Friends.
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MTG: Feral Hydra from Shards of Alara is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category