Free: <<$$ 1.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>> - Gift Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: <<$$ 1.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>>

<<$$ 1.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>>
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The listing, <<$$ 1.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>> has ended.

This is going to be a tiered auction for a gift card of your choice and amount ranging from $1 to $25 starting with 1 thru 500 credits will start the card off with $1 and for every 500 credits it will go up another $1.... 1~500 credits will recieve a $1. gift card~ 500~1000 credits will receive a $2. gift card ~ 1000~1500 credits will receive a $3. gift card ~ 1500~2000 credits will receive a $4. gift card ~ 2000~2500 credits will receive a $5. gift card ~ 2500~3000 credits will receive a $6. gift card ~ 3000~3500 credits will receive a $7. gift card ~ 3500~4000 credits will receive a $8. gift card ~ 4000~4500 credits will receive a $9. gift card ~ 4500~5000 credits will receive a $10. gift card ~ 5000~5500 credits will receive a $11. gift card ~ 5500~6000 credits will receive a $12. gift card ~ 6000~6500 credits will receive a $13. gift card ~ 6500~7000 credits will receive a $14. gift card ~ 7000~7500 credits will receive a $15. gift card ~ 7500~8000 credits will receive a $16. gift card ~ 8000~8500 credits will receive a $17. gift card ~ 8500~9000 credits will receive a $18. gift card ~ 9000~9500 credits will receive a $19. gift card ~ 9500~10000 credits will receive a $20. gift card ~ 10000~10500 credits will receive a $21. gift card ~ 10500~11000 credits will receive a $22. gift card ~ 11000~11500 credits will receive a $23. gift card ~ 11500~12000 credits will receive a $24. gift card ~ 12000~12500 credits will receive a $25. gift card of their choice..wal-mart, amazon or anywhere as long as I can get it online or have access in my city I will get it for you~ ***winners choice***card or code and as always ***free shipping***~***good luck ***
Questions & Comments
can i get an itunes card if i win cause thats all i want
Jul 5th, 2011 at 7:29:25 AM PDT by
I can get itunes gift card if bid reaches to $15.00, that is the least amount of gift card that they have
Jul 5th, 2011 at 8:00:52 AM PDT by
but theres no bids yet and the most i can bid is 100 so can i get it if i win it with 100 credits
Jul 5th, 2011 at 3:13:43 PM PDT by
can you get aeropostale or mcdonalds or bestbuy thanks
Jul 5th, 2011 at 4:25:20 PM PDT by

<<$$ 1.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>> is in the Other Stuff | Gift Cards category