The listing, ## 2 new skeins of Cotton Yarn ## has ended.
These are 2 new skeins of 100% cotton yarn. i want to say they are Sugar and Cream but I have lost the label. These are not the little skeins but the bigger cotton skeins. They have never been used just sitting in my yarn bucket for the last few years. So I think someone out their can use them. Very pretty colors.
My home is non-smoking and non-cat. I ship every two weeks on pay dates, so this will ship July 15th.
Please get your information to me within 7 days or I will have to re-list without credit refund.
I make every effort to pack and ship safely. I cannot be responsible once it is in the hands of the post office for lost or damaged items. Credits will not be refunded for circumstances out of my control. If you would like a confirmation code it is $1.00 through PayPal.
My feedback speaks for my honesty as a seller. If there is a problem contact me to see if it is resolvable.
Thanks for looking and good luck bidding!!