I made it by, but I was a tad bit to late. They closed early today for some reason. It's a place called HOBBY TIME. I know they sell the REAL stuff there because I paid a pretty penny for all of it. Never made it out for under $100 each time I went in. I got my alarm set and will be ready by 10 when they open the doors this time.
I am pretty sure they are not acrylic. I took the tag off a long time ago. I live next to the place the place I bought them and can go in tomorrow and see. I believe they are genuine. I bought a ton of stuff without paying attention. I am only being honest about it, but I can go back in and double check for you!
Okay. I finally got ahold of the owner. He told me that these are NOT REAL tourquoise. They are died Magnesite I think is how you spell it?? Sorry it took for ever but his stock of this colored stones was down to nothing and his helpers didn't know much about it! Please forgive me for taking so long!