Free: Novel - Prior Bad Habits - Tami Hoag - Fiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Novel - Prior Bad Habits - Tami Hoag

Novel - Prior Bad Habits - Tami Hoag
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The listing, Novel - Prior Bad Habits - Tami Hoag has ended.

This is for the used hardback book "Prior Bad Habits" written by Tami Hoag. The book and the slipcover are in good condition. It is from a smoke free home.

It was a crime so brutal it changed the lives of even the most hardened homicide cops. The Haas family members left a scar on the community nothing can erase, but everyone agrees that convicting the killer, Karl Dahl, is a start. Only Judge Carey Moore seems to be standing in the way. Her ruling that the Dahl's prior criminal record in inadmissible raises the public outcry-- and puts the judge in grave danger.

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Novel - Prior Bad Habits - Tami Hoag is in the Books | Fiction Books category