Free: !!Real Playstation 3 Bundle 150GB!! Free Shipping!! - PlayStation Consoles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: !!Real Playstation 3 Bundle 150GB!! Free Shipping!!

!!Real Playstation 3 Bundle 150GB!! Free Shipping!!
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The listing, !!Real Playstation 3 Bundle 150GB!! Free Shipping!! has ended.

Yes, You read that correct!! 150GB PS3 Up For Grabs!! Everything You Need To Start Playing Right Out Of The Box!!
Comes with 150gb system restored to factory settings, 1 Sony PS3 Controller, Power Cord, 10ft Controller Cord, 6Ft HDMI cord, set of AVI cords.
Has 4 Games Included!!
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Dead Island Game of the Year Edition
WWE 12
Mercenaries World in Flames

Why am I listing it? I have 3 of them and don't need this 1 anymore! What an awesome Christmas/Birthday Gift for Yourself or someone that wants one!

Check out my other listings!! I just put up a Modded PS3 Controller with a charge cord AND a Charging Station!!

Please do not ask to lower days, lower GIN, or starting bid. I set the days so EVERYONE would have a chance to get their credits in order!!
Don't want to wait - USE THE GIN!!!
If GIN is used I will include:
Ghost Recon Future Soldier
Army of Two
Skate 2

FREE SHIPPING WITH TRACKING!! All listia rules apply. USA shipping only. Happy Bidding All and Good Luck!! This is being shipped Priority Mail - 2 Business Days!!
Questions & Comments
They "go a lot cheaper" then rise in price. She should stick around and see how high this goes whether the gin is used or not -_- the nerve of some knowledge-lacking people.
Oct 17th, 2014 at 12:37:24 PM PDT by
Thanks Gero - she is new to Listia, forgive the new bidders. I set the bid at the starting cost to cover shipping, and 4 starting games. The games alone could for almost 10k a piece.
Oct 17th, 2014 at 12:42:54 PM PDT by
This is a nice package deal but thats an awfully high start bid. I've seen better bundles go a lot cheaper but I'll watch cause I'd like to see if anyone actually bids. Good luck!
Oct 17th, 2014 at 12:25:13 PM PDT by
Thanks! I appreciate the feedback as well. As you can see, I have multiple games included with the package - and I am paying the shipping cost to have this delivered within 2 days which is almost $20.
Oct 17th, 2014 at 12:27:20 PM PDT by
Thanks for the heads up.

I F&W and will bid if I still have the credits then :)
Oct 17th, 2014 at 3:49:03 PM PDT by
Thanks! Fanned ya back! And good luck with your bidding.
Oct 17th, 2014 at 3:52:59 PM PDT by
Watching! This is a great deal for a Listian who wants to put a PS3 under the tree this Xmas!!

So glad to see you put all the info in the description and pictures and everything. There are so many scam console auctions on here that seeing a "real" one by a real verified 100% feedback seller is awesome. The winning bidder knows they will be getting it!
Oct 17th, 2014 at 3:58:12 PM PDT by
LOL, I didn't mean to put real in quotation marks when referring to yours...This auction is totally legit. I should proofread better before hitting the enter button. I wish Listia let us edit our comments. Sorry bout that!
Oct 17th, 2014 at 4:00:07 PM PDT by
I understood ya! Lol and thanks.
Oct 17th, 2014 at 4:06:33 PM PDT by

!!Real Playstation 3 Bundle 150GB!! Free Shipping!! is in the Video Games & Consoles | Video Game Consoles | PlayStation Consoles category