Free: ~~L@@K------>Women's ROLEX!!!!<------ BID HIGH For FREE SHIPPING!!! - Other Clothing - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~~L@@K------>Women's ROLEX!!!!<------ BID HIGH For FREE SHIPPING!!!

~~L@@K------>Women's ROLEX!!!!<------ BID HIGH For FREE SHIPPING!!!
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The listing, ~~L@@K------>Women's ROLEX!!!!<------ BID HIGH For FREE SHIPPING!!! has ended.

So here is the deal, my sister gave this to me a few years back, it has a chip on the glass that magnifies the date, and it will only fit someone with small wrists as I don't have any links to make it larger. It is a gorgeous watch and probably the highest price item I have, I only auction it because I want to get a tablet or computer, so I put this out expecting this auction to reach thousands. It does work, it does have the Rolex symbols all over as well as the unique back of the watch. Which has " Stainless Steel Back De ville Swiss Made" around the back face with "Rolex R1628" stamped on it. The front says "Superlative Chronometer (I can't spell) Officially Certified" on the bottom and on the top "Rolex Oyster Perpetual ( I think) and Datehurst or Date()()rst (I cant tell because the hand is blocking it). Anyways I never wear it so other than the chip over the date it is in excellent condition. Don't let me down Listia, I will make the shipping free once bids get higher so I know it will cover its cost. So please Happy Bidding. No grumpy or angry bidders or commentators please. Thank You
Questions & Comments
Hmm, ok.

One other thing. When you wind the watch (do you know how to?), does it go tick-tick-tick like a regular watch or does the second hand seem to 'sweep' across the face?
Jul 9th, 2011 at 8:24:42 AM PDT by
Can I ask why $20.00 to ship?
This should fit in a USPS box for under $5.00
Jul 12th, 2011 at 9:00:36 AM PDT by
To ensure I don't let it go for a low amount of credits and take a loss. I am protecting myself in case the auction stays too low.
Jul 12th, 2011 at 12:52:39 PM PDT by
Well I believe the watch to be a replica. That being said I think it is a pretty nice replica and should do well! Best of luck to you!
Jul 9th, 2011 at 9:24:39 PM PDT by
Is the watch reeeaaaal heavy?
Jul 9th, 2011 at 1:51:12 PM PDT by
As I stated earlier it was a gift from my sister as is, nothing more, I had a broken link removed because she only gave me the watch as I put earlier. This is listia and that is why it is here because I do not know anything more than what I put. The cyclops thing is chipped and that is why it looks weird.
Jul 9th, 2011 at 1:45:51 PM PDT by
I'm a little worried about the skeleton caseback as well as the cyclops does not looks like the 2.5x magnification. Do you have a certificate of authenticity or a box or anything?
Jul 9th, 2011 at 1:40:44 PM PDT by
Ok I did the shaking and it looks like it is ticking but a faster tick, heck I don't really know. I would say ticking but the speed looks like sweeping unless you look closely.

djpro- what do you mean lower the days?
Jul 9th, 2011 at 11:42:41 AM PDT by
Ok,so I can edit the listing or remove it an not feel as stupid which does a real rolex do, tick?
Jul 9th, 2011 at 9:49:26 AM PDT by
It's ok.

Here's what you do, take the watch and hold it firmly (but not too hard). and gently shake it (GENTLY!), you should feel the mechanism inside it moving around. Do this for a few seconds then see if the second hand is tick-tick-ticking or 'sweeping'
Jul 9th, 2011 at 9:08:13 AM PDT by
I don't even know how to get out to tell the right time,, that its why I putt it here, that and the cyclops thingy being chipped. I never wear watches, I don't really wear jewelry so I am of no help in determining its legitimacy. I wish I did because then I could probably get cash instead of credits. Sorry again.
Jul 9th, 2011 at 8:47:15 AM PDT by
I will decide once I get a feel for how much credits it will go for.
Jul 11th, 2011 at 10:49:47 AM PDT by
Silly question, but see that little date thing?

That bump on the crystal infront of the date is called the 'cyclops', and I need to ask you something about it.

When you look at the watch, does the date fill up the whole cyclops or just a little bit of it?
Also, take a look near where the 6 would be (bottom of the watch), there should be a small, faint Rolex crown logo etched into the CRYSTAL, can you see one?
Jul 9th, 2011 at 4:10:37 AM PDT by
Ok your probably and expert, so thank you, but the cyclops thingy is what is chipped so you can look at it both ways and get it to fill up the entire thing or just part of it because of how it is chipped. With the logo of rolex on the crystal, my eyes hurt when I try to look that close so I really don't know. All I know is my sister gave it to me and told me I better not get rid of it unless I had a good reason, and I do, so I am, Thank you for your help I really appreciate it and wish I had a magnifying glass so I could tell you.
Jul 9th, 2011 at 7:35:27 AM PDT by
all auctions with shipping never go high
Jul 12th, 2011 at 1:06:46 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
i agree 20 is pretty steep, this isnt a site bout protecting yourself... this is a site about charity and giving out to the world and maybe getting something nice in return. that is all.
Jul 12th, 2011 at 7:11:14 PM PDT by
The reasons he was questioning the "tick tick tick" verses the "sweeping" or "gliding" second hand is because most watches tick...the second hand moves, stops briefly, moves, stops, etc...BUT on a real rolex, the second hand continually moves as if it was sliding on never ticks or stops.
Jul 13th, 2011 at 8:12:40 AM PDT by
AND...if this is/was a real watch, you do not want to give it away on offense to this great site, but if its a real watch, you are talking about a watch worth several thousand dollars...where you could buy several tablets, chipped or not.
Jul 13th, 2011 at 8:15:21 AM PDT by
Ok ok, I am no longer auctioning this item, if I can figure putt how to take it off? Any help here? There is no way I know if it its real as I am no expert, so I will not send out to anyone. Sorry.
Jul 13th, 2011 at 8:20:07 AM PDT by
I guess I will keep it here, free shipping to us only. Happy bidding.
Jul 13th, 2011 at 12:09:58 PM PDT by
how much for free shippping
Jul 13th, 2011 at 1:32:56 PM PDT by
Over 1500
Jul 13th, 2011 at 2:21:15 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Its a beautiful watch, real or not. Watching & fanned. Will be bidding as soon as my credits come through. Thanks for offering this.
Jul 14th, 2011 at 11:45:19 AM PDT by
Replica,just look at the poor workmanship on the metal alone by the clasp. a real rolex would never discolor like that and get that whitish pock marked look to the stainless steel. but oh well she got a couple thousand credits at least but i surely would never in no way auction a rolex off on here? that is mond boggling lol just for a laptop? you can get a good laptop at walmart for a few hundred bucks,pfft a pawn shop woulda lent you that on a real rolex,then you could have paid off the pawn and kept the watch and had your computer too,just saying you know. : )
Jul 15th, 2011 at 1:27:17 AM PDT by

~~L@@K------>Women's ROLEX!!!!<------ BID HIGH For FREE SHIPPING!!! is in the Clothing, Shoes & Accessories | Other Clothing category