Dude, you are not going to have many fans if you are going to call people names and act secretive. Great auction though! I have a collection too but I'm not willing to part with it.
I see you are new to this just a hint of advice you should of took a picture of the dvd's you are willing to part with .There are alot of us that are wrestling fans that may have the one you pick to give us not cool .Hope you do good thanks
Not trying to be an azz. You're not verified so listians would to know that their bidding on a legit auction and not someone that just wants credits cause there's alot of it floating around on Listia, not that i'm saying you are (just making sure).
If you don't know someone you're getting an item from you would want to check it out also.
what if we have the dvd already cuz i collect wrestling dvd's. so i have alot of them so could you make an exceotion lol or atleast i tell you what dvd's i have
Why not let someone pick a dvd of their choice and loaction does matter cause you're not verified? If you have nothing to hide then why not put your location.