The listing, Root your own pregnant onion bulb. ② has ended.
This auction is for two live bulbs that will root quickly in a bright Window.
Plop them on top or Shallowly burry roots to ancor the bulb upright.
Ornithogalum albuca is an Ornamental Succulent, also Known as a rare German Onion, false Sea Onion and its bloom Spike OF White and green Striped flowers Called Star of Bethlehem.
fun and educational Plant easy to Care for.
• Suitable indoors, and mild Climates Outside.
• Water thoroughly when top Soil beccomes dry. (plant is drought tolerant preferring Summer rain)
• young Plants l" ~ 2" diameter begin Producing Swallon Lumps on Side of the bulb. as the layers on the parent bulb sheds the bulb babies grow Outwards until the last layer sheds and the babies Spill Out to root on the soil. Larger bulbs usually have multiple pockets Of babies growing in Separate layers.
• long lasting bloom Can be cut Early and re bloom.
Bright Sun or light Shade
minimal Care