The listing, CATS! Lots of Cats! Fun assortment of cat jewelry and knick knacks. has ended.
Fun assortment of cat jewelry and knick knacks -
(1) 4-1/2 inch tall cat pin made of wood or composite material, painted very shiny blue, red, & green. Looks like a Laurel Burch cat.
(2) Pair of 1-1/2 inch diameter round metal earrings with black, dark blue, & light blue enameled cat face. For pierced ears (post with metal caps included). Marked "meow (c)" on back with a sitting cat hallmark. A similar black-and-white pair, with same markings, is listed for $23 on
(3) Oval face watch with gold-color metal rim & picture of a sweet little cat on face. Grey "reptile-look" band. Case is marked on back: "water resistant," "A-Avon," & "stainless steel back." Band is marked "China" & "genuine leather." No battery; worked last time I wore it. Vintage Avon watches are priced $15-$20 online.
(4) Dangle earrings for pierced ears (post with metal caps included). Made of some kind of composite material. Black cat face on circle dangling from black rectangle which is marked "Meow" in white. Width of rectangle is 1/2 inch & diameter of circle is 5/8 inch. Total length of earrings, from top of rectangle to bottom of circle is 1 inch.
(5) Small painted box made of some kind of very light composite material. Top has painted cat sitting in foliage & sides have painted continuation of foliage Finished with a very shiny top coat. Box is 2-1/4 inch long (side-to-side), by 2 inches deep (front-to-back), by 1-3/4 inch high.
(6) Heavy metal (possibly pewter) sitting cat bookmark. 3 inches long with 1-1/4 inch metal fish, marked "Purrfect Pet," hangs from back of cat's head by a sturdy purple ribbon.