Free: Luxurious Vintage Yarn & Beautiful New Yarn - Knitting - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Luxurious Vintage Yarn & Beautiful New Yarn

Luxurious Vintage Yarn & Beautiful New Yarn
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The listing, Luxurious Vintage Yarn & Beautiful New Yarn has ended.

I believe they are all full skeins. There are two skeins of the white cloud-like yarn and one skein of the colorful yarn.

Hopefully, you can read the details of the amount, size and content in the pics. But if not, let me know. I will try to respond within 24 hours.

Please keep in mind that I don't always have access to the site or at least I can't check it all the time.

I mail out on Saturday or the Monday after depending on the mail man. Sadly, we have been having trouble with our post office with pick up and delivery on an every day basis.
Questions & Comments
smoke free?
Oct 28th, 2014 at 10:12:01 AM PDT by
Good question! So, my house is smoke free, but they were previously owned when I bought them and dk if the previous owners were smoke free. I have not noticed any bad odor, but I will double check when I get home.

Thanks for looking and asking. :)
Oct 28th, 2014 at 1:58:55 PM PDT by

Luxurious Vintage Yarn & Beautiful New Yarn is in the Crafts | Knitting category