Free: I Could Tell You Stories by Patricia Hampl - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: I Could Tell You Stories by Patricia Hampl

I Could Tell You Stories by Patricia Hampl
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The listing, I Could Tell You Stories by Patricia Hampl has ended.

"I COULD TELL YOU STORIES, a retrospective essay collection that enfolds more worlds than seems possible given its modest size, charts Hampl's ongoing quest to comprehend the nature of memory, the dimensions of the self, and the impetus for and consequences of autobiography....Hampl's memoirs, and her contemplative inquiries into the raison d'etre of autobiography, map the fogbound terrain between the unconscious and the conscious, the secret and the unveiled, the buried and the resurrected--the place where all that is beautiful, lasting, and transcendent resides."
Hungry Mind Review - Donna Seaman

"Many a memoirist has swaggered into gushy confessional, sharp-toothed revenge or yet another melodramatic rendering of an unexamined life. These, though, are not the memoirs that Hampl considers here. Instead, she turns her attention to those she sees as iconic--Anne Frank's diary, Edith Stein's LIFE IN A JEWISH FAMILY," Czeslaw Milosz's autobiography and St. Augustine's CONFESSIONS--and reflects on what they have meant to her and what, by extension, they might mean to us."
New York Times Book Review - Linda Simon (06/27/1999)

This book is used although it is in excellent condition with a few pages of writing highlighting.
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I Could Tell You Stories by Patricia Hampl is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category