The listing, Wandering Jew Plants (3) has ended.
Also called inch plant, wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is a creeping evergreen plant grown for its colorful, striped leaves, which come in shades of purple, green and white. It grows outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11 or you can grow it as a houseplant. Established wandering Jew plants require minimal care and will thrive despite neglect. Most benefit from routine maintenance throughout the year so they look their best.
Wandering Jew plants often develop spindly, unattractive growth as they age. Even young plants may have a lanky appearance that is improved with light pruning. Snip off scraggly, weak stems or those with discolored leaves whenever you see them. Remove them at the base and discard them. Wandering Jew plants benefit from pinching back to encourage branching. Prune back the entire plant by one-quarter once the stems reach 6 to 8 inches long. The spent flowers (small blue) should also be removed to redirect the plant's energy away from seed production. Pruning should be done with shears that have been soaked for five minutes in undiluted household disinfectant and thoroughly rinsed.
In Florida I use this plant outdoors as a ground cover, and when I was up north, I had a huge one in a basket indoors. Very hardy. I will send 3 rooted 6" or longer plants ready for you to plant. They will be shipped with roots wrapped with damp paper towels, and packaged to help prevent damage in shipment.
For each 200 credits bid over 600 I will include another rooted plant as above.