Well I am 70 and my picture shows it. Had it taken a few months ago. My Daughter said I neeed one taken, So We all grow OLD My Dear. Yes everything I make is made with Love.
Well thank you. All My Girls tell me they hope they look s good s I do when they get my age. I have a lot of problems with guy in their late 50's wanting to date Me..How funny. Never wore makeup in my life and still dont. My grandmother always said 'Paint makes a women what she ain't' How True . Take all that makeup off and they might scare people.LOL Your sweet for the nice Compliment
I didnt know paypal had money orders. Do they send them out or how does that work. Dont worry u can still ut my money into paypal I just cant use it. I will have to use my bank. I understand I cant get out either.