Free: MTG 16 Card Lot! GIN for a ✨Rare✨ & ✨Mythic Rare✨ - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG 16 Card Lot! GIN for a ✨Rare✨ & ✨Mythic Rare✨

MTG 16 Card Lot! GIN for a ✨Rare✨ & ✨Mythic Rare✨
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The listing, MTG 16 Card Lot! GIN for a ✨Rare✨ & ✨Mythic Rare✨ has ended.

Winner will receive 16 random common/uncommon Magic the Gathering cards. Possibility of getting a foil.

If GIN is used I'll include a ✨rare✨ and a ✨mythic rare✨
If you use GIN, number of cards will still be 16.

The winner can request colors. :)
You must email me your color after the auction before I send the cards or I will choose randomly.
I can't guarantee that the rare will be the same color, but I will try.

I will have the item shipped within a week after you send me your verified address.
* Verified addresses only.
** If you do not send me your verified address within 7 days after the auction's close you will forfeit your cards and credits.
*** No buyer's remorse.
**** Please, no rude comments. Rude users will be blocked from any and all future auctions.
Keywords: MTG Magic the Gathering, booster pack, box, fat pack, repack, rebooster, common, uncommon, rare, mythic rare, black gold silver, card, cards, holo, holographic, halo, foil, deck, land, lands plane planes walker planeswalker wizards of the coast, deckmaster
Questions & Comments
if im lucky enough to win id adore black and blue as my blue deck has cards like SEASIDE LEVITHIAN and my dark deck only has one good card :3.......... whats GIN.. like i know what jin is but whats GIN?
Dec 3rd, 2014 at 8:07:43 AM PST by
GIN mean "Get It Now". It's a set price that the seller can post that someone can pay to end an auction early.
Dec 3rd, 2014 at 9:05:20 AM PST by
oh :) sorry im still new i just found out this site was real and ive been trying to win like amazon cards for homeless peeps i know but its a lot harder than youd think
Dec 4th, 2014 at 8:21:48 AM PST by

MTG 16 Card Lot! GIN for a ✨Rare✨ & ✨Mythic Rare✨ is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category