Free: *Yu-Gi-Oh!* You Pick Auction - Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: *Yu-Gi-Oh!* You Pick Auction

*Yu-Gi-Oh!* You Pick Auction
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The listing, *Yu-Gi-Oh!* You Pick Auction has ended.

Here I have listed 4 yugioh cards. They're mostly basic cards, but they are useful. The winner of the auction will get to pick the card they want out of the 4.
Descritions (In order of pictures)
Big Bang Shot
Equip Spell
1st Edition
The equipped monster gains 400 ATK. When the equipped monster attacks a Defense position monster whose DEF is lower than the equipped monster's ATK, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.When this card is removed from the field, the equipped monster is removed from play.

Banisher of the Radiance
lvl 3
Light Attribute
1st Edition
Any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.
ATK: 1600

Multiplication of Ants
Offer 1 Insect type monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Special summon 2 "Army Ant Tokens".(Insect/Earth/4 stars/ATK 500/DEF 1200) on your side of the field.The tokens cannot be used as a tribute for a tribute summon.

Compulsory Evacuation Deck
1st Edition
Return 1 monste on the field to its owner's hand.

I will send the winner's card as soon as I can. Don't worry I won't take forever to send it.
Either post a comment telling me which one you want or message me. Either one is fine with me.
Questions & Comments
Awesome job, fellow bidders!
Jul 21st, 2011 at 7:52:09 PM PDT by

*Yu-Gi-Oh!* You Pick Auction is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards category