I took the other 2 That I had put on after and deleted them because this one didn't seem to do to good I should have waited to make sure you still wanted it before I listed it. but I went ahead and put it out there and its not doing to good. maybe it will pick up at the last few hours hope so
hey don't feel embarassed I am always telling people over the phone I have never met bye love you and then afterwards I think they must think I am nuts.lol its because I always tell family and friends , I love you so its habit and if it offends anybody I am sorry and if it happens to make someones day, good. I don't always do that I try not to embarass anyone by saying that to them that I don't know but it slips out sometimes. so no offence taken
I'm sure it will pick up right in the last couple hours. I can't believe no one has scooped up that awesome GIN!!!!! I ran out of credits and then got sick with an infection due to my surgery so I have been not actively trying to get credits. I do want one tho. I have some things ending middle of the week...maybe we can touch base then and put something together. Hopefully your computer will act right!
what kind of surgery did you have God bless you I know you have had to been very sick I pray you get better every day. take care of yourself and don't worry about this auction my fault for putting out there without making sure first. It might get better here on this auction the bidders get strange sometimes so will see . Well God bless and take care >I really mean take care.
I had a partial hysterectomy. Doc found a bacterial infection when he did a culture of the sutures inside...no biggie but it has made me feel kinda drained. Its been treated so I should be better soon. Thanks for your concern!